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Leveraging Neuroscience to Rebrand & Revitalize a Commercial Giant

The Challenge:

A leading US-based automotive manufacturing client tasked evolve24 with developing a robust media measurement solution to help it better understand the effectiveness of its marketing and media outreach campaigns. At the time, the client was using a variety of different tools to track different communications metrics across their different global divisions. The client’s C-Suite had grown frustrated with the inconsistencies in its communications team’s reporting and began questioning the team’s effectiveness. The company’s marketing team turned to evolve24 to implement a singular solution capable of accurately measuring public perceptions and gauging the effectiveness of its global marketing and communications campaigns. By standardizing its metrics and reporting format, the company’s marketing team sought to regain the confidence of its C-Suite and provide them with consistent, valuable insights to advance their global business growth strategies.


We engineered a comprehensive global media monitoring platform that covered emerging issues impacting the company, its primary competitors, and the automotive industry itself. To support the communication team’s global reporting needs, we began collecting open-source data to gain insights on public opinions for hundreds of manufacturers, including individualized reports on every vehicle make and model. We collected data in more than 20 different languages, translating it into English and applying our patented metadata tagging to provide valuable sentiment and reputation insights. The consolidated global reporting platform we developed helped the company’s global communications team standardize its internal reporting metrics while providing the team with keen insights that informed its marketing and messaging strategies. It also provided the communications team with advance warning of potential reputational concerns and informed its crisis management response strategies.


Leveraging the evolve24 platform, the client was able to standardize all corporate communications reporting and crisis management services across the U.S., Asia Pacific, Middle East/Africa, and European regions. For the first time, the client was able to measure its performance using a common set of data analytics which allowed for uniformity in the global reporting process and re-establishing trust and confidence with the Executive Leadership Team. The platform enabled each user to measure and assess the impact of their unique brand programs, obtain insight into relevant issues impacting their brands, and gather global competitive intelligence in real-time. Lastly, the client incorporated evolve24’s patented emotional driver analysis to craft and distribute marketing messages that would better resonate with their target audience and help build up the brand’s reputation. The client also leveraged this analytical framework in the creation and development of formal speeches delivered by the company’s CEO to both internal and external audiences.